[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v3.1.1)

the rhyming thing is unfunny… to me, at least

Pascal and @Phal



You’ve heard of Elf On A Shelf, now get ready for

Pedro On A Halo

It does not rhyme…

Um it does.

…The O sound at the end.

@Depressed_Fan on a Mary Poppins ban

Not a good one. But it works.

Am I pronouncing Halo wrong? Can you provide the phanatics? Thanks

I pronounce it “Hey-lo”

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Oh, I was pronouncing it wrong. TY

YW. Sidenote, Pedro would actually be a good Master Chief for a live action Halo movie.

I misread that as Master Chef

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Or as a Swedish Chef in a Muppets as humans…


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I can tell you guys haven’t played Halo, lol.

Nope. The only things I know of Halo are the things referenced in the Leonidas vs. Master Chief ERB.

And the Beyonce song also. Everyone knows that.

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