[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v3.1.1)

I’m gonna have a heart attack if Kim is still bad

The odds are slim, so who knows?

i hope joy disk gives enemies armor if they are studied

Will Kim Refresh Be…
  • Excellent! The Best!
  • Good
  • Okay
  • Meh.
  • Bad.
  • Horrible.
  • DISGUSTING! THE WORST! :face_vomiting:

0 voters

I hope joy disk slows enemies 75% instead of 60% when maxed


guess my disgust’s red skill level


1 or max
(10 charac)


Evil Queen was Kida, Maleficent was Eric


in the opposite world…

Oh No…

Still confused. What was this about?

a little closer

It’s a secret

72 then.

Why isn’t Swedish Chef #1 :rage:

a little closer

Tell me… now.

idk, 69

70! its seventy!

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