Also I never did this, lol.
Dash is mean
Deals damage
I don’t have any further comments at this time.
You did because you are in court. That is if you do not want me to ask Djaq. He knows and if he tells then you will suffer greater consequences.
I bet Djaq, Spark, or Rex will pass me by tomorrow
Sad that I’ll never pass any of them
Just disable their forum accounts, It’s not that hard
Just add “Pedro Pascal is an” in front of this sentence, Imagineer. That’s what Rex said.
But I can’t tell if I’m double posting or not
(Hee hee I’m a tattletale )
I object. Djaq called the animal Pascal a ugly green thing first when he knew it was a joke involving Pedro. He was referring to Pedro.
He is guilty!
This will serve to damage the creep and don’t worry, it’s not a rickroll or something like that
B R E A T H E*
I’m not Dash, but Harry Potter, Roblox, and Among Us.
dead sad game, eww!