I’m in for this. Sounds fun.
Mesa wanta to help!
We can still post here, but how about we don’t do RP.
We should flag that as cursed.
Yes. Agreed.
I agree with this!
Let’s use one to make it easier for us to deal 600 damage in 4 hours
What’s this?
What did I miss?
I also agree, my friend.
Bye y’all! Minnie were in the same server, please friend me! I’m in Elite Warriors!
Hope the best for y’all! MIss You!
Activate Bolt!
So we can limit on how many posts we post!
So… which one?
(and please Musk, can we cut that new-creep-in-less-than-24-hours thing? Really stressful)
I always said that
Bye. I’ll search you there. If Ido not find you, I am called Irrer Minnie and I’m in Krümelmonster AG
How about Kim Possible?
That’s sounds Great
there’s two more after Gizmoduck.
Actually yeah. Do it!
It will immediately remove 200 HP, which is also what we need