I actually thought those patch notes you posted were real
Aren’t they the best?
HeRe Is My PrOoF sHoWiNg ThAt BeTa HeRoEs ArE bRoKeN. ThEy MuSt Be NeRfeD aS iT iS iMpOsSiBle FoR tHeM tO dEfEaT mEta HeRoEs:
(SpEcIal ThAnKs To @Rinoxer0nte FoR gIvInG mE tHiS eViDeNcE)
wOaH, YOuR eFfEcT iS coMinG OfF oN Me As wELl.
People pretending to be someone else damages the creep
Less than 1 day left damages the creep
Damages creep
Oh um, we better get it going or we’ll fail…
Damages Creep X2
I’m probably not Muppet_Labs which deals damage
Not being MissingLure deals damage
So sad i can’t join the fun…
Subscribe To My YouTube Channel
Are you the real Djaq?
punches the creep
No, not really
100-200 posts left, yay…
Edit: exactly 283 posts left, yay…
I know that, Djaq
Stop lying Phal…