[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v3.1.1)

Mushrooms are :face_vomiting:

You need mushrooms to survive in Minecraft

Yes, funnt

Grammar Police

We also need mushrooms to grow bigger

Luigi doesn’t need mushrooms

But Mario does but he’s now :skull_and_crossbones:

Unless he has 1-up mushrooms

She sells sea shells by the sea shore

Will we defeat the creep today?
  • Yes :flushed:
  • No. :confused:

0 voters

Where is confetti?!

No we won’t…

Spark says otherwise

:partying_face: :tada:


Politics has Meme Potential

Everything has meme potential

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You have meme potential

“Everything has meme potential”- Muppet Labs, 2021

You have meme potential!

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