[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v3.1.1)

Imagine being Djaqrolled

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Chandelure deals damage

Ah, an underrated one

That place looks so familiar


There is 1 impostor among us

It’s me

:x: :arrow_up: :x: :arrow_down: :x: :running_man: :desert:

No up, no down, no running in the desert

UP is always welcome!

UP characters When? :pleading_face:

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I used to rule the world

I hate it when I accidentally bookmarked a reply when I don’t want to…

Which one did you bookmark?

I hate it when that happens to me 2. Glad I’m not the only one who feels that.

I bookmarked this comment @Lucas1999

Oh I see, indeed not important enough to bookmark

UP characters are important! :triumph:

I recreated the “Woman Yelling at a Cat” meme with DHBM characters


Best thing which I saw since spring yet.

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