[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v3.1.1)

Yuppies Guppies Puppies

Bubble Guppies!

(Yes Iā€™m referring to that nick jr. show)

I have pet guppies

drinks a bottle of ketchup

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Uhā€¦ whatā€¦

SpicyBoi is no more, he is KetchupBoi now!

Spicy ketchup = hot sauce

Wait, this isnā€™t hot sauceā€¦

Itā€™s :drop_of_blood:!1!1!1

Oh, well, Iā€™m fine with that. keeps drinking

Spicyboi is a vampire confirmed

I totallydidnā€™t turn him into one, hehe :sweat_smile:

thats kinda suspicious

follows Muppet_Labs into Electrical and closes doors :yum:


laughs and transforms Muppet_Labs into One of Us, and then vents to Medbay

Oh well.

Bat tiā€” wait a secā€¦

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Dead Topic.

Iā€™m here! Hooray!

We probably wonā€™t defeat the creep today. :confused:

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