[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v3.1.1)

:musical_note: Never gonna up you give :musical_note:
:musical_note: Never gonna down you let :musical_note:
:musical_note: Never gonna around run :musical_note:
:musical_note: And, you = desert :musical_note:
This took a while. It is written in the way the poll is ordered…


Funny has Kong

Does the forum know how to count?
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

No… :crazy_face:

10, 9, 1, 5.
Yes, that’s the correct order.

1 Like



Nothing is everything, and everything can be anything deals damage

Ah yes

EVERYTHING deals damage

NOTHING deals damage

Something deals damage

Anything deals damage


Everyone deals damage



1000 to go!


I should be sleeping rn…

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