[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v3.1.1)

Perblue probably won’t nerf Dash, you know how they are regarding hero balance :man_shrugging:

Why is everything wrong with Kim???

PB: We want our game to be balanced

Also PB: Doesn’t refresh old heroes and pointlessly nerfs new heroes after a few weeks

Still hasn’t nerf Cheshire yet

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They don’t care

Tbh, he actually doesn’t really need one much. He has counters. Drakken is one of them.

So Does Dash. :man_shrugging:

Yes, like Ian.

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Wasabi Counters? :thinking:

Wanted to find Jake’s gif with ‘‘I’m serious’’ quote but found this… I am kind of happy.

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[visible confusion]

None, lol. The cap on his disk literally didn’t do anything besides make him weaker in Invasion.

@Lost_Sock :thinking:

Perblue :baby_bottle:s bottom…?

oh. here. :upside_down_face: video instead…

after your double-posting Dash is getting nerfed, confirmed by Polaris!

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I didn’t double Post? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Dash even double posted again


Dash is getting nerfed.

Stop setting me up by deleting your posts :expressionless:

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