[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v3.1.1)


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Spicyboi is a Villager



@Garnet @Amythest @Pearl_gem @And @Steven

How dare you @ my alt

@Mildboi, come check the Lounge!

@TotallyNotMimikyu Come check out the Lounge!

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I just vented in the Lounge :open_mouth:

That explains the 3 dead bodies in the closet

Wait, what?

Who do they belong to? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Idk, I’m just too lazy to report them

How S U S

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Wait, which map are we playing on again?

now i have to keep up with the max rank for 3 heroes

(cries with a smile)

Forums Map

Oh, ok. Just wanted to make sure it isn’t Polus.

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