[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v3.1.1)

E3 is coming soon! Hype! :star_struck:

Free Likes! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:



Super Luigi




inception deals damage

Smash logo appears, Samus wanders her ship, she hears footsteps from below, the footsteps lead to a vent, Samus gets to position as the vent opens—

BOTW2 hype

Charge your device!


To reveal the Among Us Mii Costume!

Ok :smiling_imp:

What can be revealed at E3?

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Why you have so many DHBM forum tabs opened?

Do Not Question SpicyBoi

Hmm, Breath of the Wild 2, and the last smash DLC character.
And maybe new games, I hope Mario Party gets a update because geez, that game sure is dead.

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