[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v3.1.1)

I would love to know as well…

And Jake The Dog

Of course not :unamused:

Hehe :smiling_imp:

Steve falshbacks

Why does the link send me to YouTube Music???

Minecraft has just announced that Oil will be added!

Because it’s a song!! (All is found)

You should know by now I share songs randomly

@Lucas1999 is Sus. Vote him out!

But how???

I passed Djaq :smiley:

Who Is The Impostor?

0 voters

Is this Jake?
Screenshot 2021-04-06 at 4.09.15 PM

Good idea.


1 Like


No, not that beat…

Make yourself known you voters!

Its just Dash and his alts

No… and not sure. Minnie’s cat? Idk…

Then what?!

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