[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v3.1.1)


You Okay There Spark? :thinking:

Nog even wat: @TotallyNotDash is de mol!

No. If I am being honest, I really am not :confused:

Probably because Gio is more of a masculine nameā€¦ But itā€™s fine lol

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Whatā€™s wrong? Do you want to talk about it?

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I didnā€™tā€¦

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Misquotes deal damage

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No, I remember noeā€¦ In the forum user-name thread I thought you said your girl friend instead of irl friendā€¦ Summoning Confusion!

Are you sure youā€™re not an Impostor?

Eh. I have not had any interactions with friends in ages, which is why I am here so often. Itā€™s toughā€¦


But there is light at the end of the tunnel, remember that

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I- You know what? Forget it. You can think Iā€™m not scared of spiders, but that wonā€™t change my fear.

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I was joking :upside_down_face:

the cow goes moo
the dash goes (insert blood curdling scream here)

No, the Dash goes ā€œhaha spiders go brrrrā€

the dash goes zoom

Trust me, I knowā€¦ Iā€™ve left Many of my friends and I donā€™t have any now due to cliques and annoying stereotypes and being new as wellā€¦ I feel your painā€¦ As a wise man said:

ā€œHappiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light .ā€

Just keep the light on Spark!

Also who knows where this is from?


Iā€™m not afraid of cows. I like eating them!


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