[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v3.1.1)

Are there ads in Musi? :eyes:

Well hello there

Geez, calm down

Spreading Rumors is fun, isn’t it?

Not exactly


Well yes but actually no

(The ads are inaudible, so you can still listen to music)


Music is my only coping method
 Also I forgot the “/j”

 I like it!

Sounds cool, but I have my computer, no phone or anything
 Plus my parents don’t let me have apps like that

I’m only suggesting a different app, not a different coping mechanism :man_shrugging:

Then Stop Spreading Rumors about me fearing cows, okay?

I wasn’t saying that
 Sorry if that is what it implied to you


So you could change this :man_shrugging:

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Not what I had in mind, but ok

Ok, geeze

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