[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v3.1.1)

:crab: My sources say no!



Format incorrect.

Subject, FRAUD!

:crystal_ball: My sources say sloth

It’s you, but older

Who’s that Aamir?

Bad Apple deals damage

Hey I know that song

Why’s that Aamir?

Then he doesn’t need a nerf :wink:

no, he does

But I thought he sucks? :thinking:

Dash is just so annoying to fight

Use Ian! :upside_down_face:

Uses @Ian_Lightfoot to kill Dash and the creep

Aamir is…
  • A great Royal
  • A Chaotic court Jester
  • A treacherous traitor
  • An imposter
  • You make your own options! (Other)

0 voters

Aamir Is Suspi-

Ha ha shadows transforming into girls go brr

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:ghost: :sob:

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