[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v3.1.1)

Thankfully, this thread has once again died down :relieved:

In a couple of months

Itā€™s back.

wow, this thread has been quiet in an hourā€¦ where did everyone go?


Spark beat me again. But only by a little bit.

More damage

why muskā€¦ why

What happened?

I still beat you, only by a little bit.

More damage

I must win. For the sake of lies, deception.

Stop saying that

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So you guys like coleslaw but that meme isnā€™t funny anymore. I see. :upside_down_face:

I thought the Coleslaw one was because its Spark favorite characterā€¦
Anyways, Deals Damage

I mean honestly, I love coleslaw with a bit of ranch. (actually, a lot of ranch)

Deals damage

I sometimes dislike this thread because of notificationsā€¦ and that it killed me

he created this thread

Ok makes sense

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