[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v4.1.1)

Everything is a lie, Mr. Monokuma

You are a lie

That statement is a lie

Totally not an excuse to rp as anyone else, nope!


You are not a lie

They don’t exist. It is a lie, including this statement.

what if everything is a lie?


I- :flushed:

But that statement you just made is also a lie!

I almost choked on my water!

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What are your thoughts on the Monika/Monokuma campaign?

And can we expect to see a concept of you from Lure sometime down the line?


BAD FEELING, I HATE IT! I know too well that feeling, even worse if is choking on your own saliva, it’s scary.


Dang It… My plan backfired!

Well, do you happen to have any gossip about Mr. Monokuma or anyone else? :eyes:

I am making a concept, on another minor character!

You would be great at that. I will take being the POTUS then if you concede.

First female POTUS. I dig it.

Good Luck. Running for public office is very expensive. :money_mouth_face: :grimacing:


Aight, never mind then.

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I, [TotallyNotDash] solemnly swear that I will be very loyal to you. :raised_hand:

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