[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v4.1.1)

The fact that Aamir’s still typing scares me :cold_sweat:

This didn’t age very well


Neither did this


:spiral_calendar: :crying_cat_face:

Bookmarking this to like it later

Or this…

Nice Double Posting :expressionless:

:cat: :space_invader: :moneybag:

Oh ok…

No, there isn’t.

Perblue be like

1 Like


Was RPG Aamir

Same…finally he posts…


:space_invader: :arrow_right: :space_invader: :weight_lifting_man:t2: :exclamation: :fist_right:t2:

When will we defeat the creep?
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • Other Day

0 voters

Add 100 hp from double posts

I’ll be using a PowerUp then :yum:


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