[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v4.1.1)

Dash is not evil. He is just wildly misunderstood!

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Rex speaks facts

All is wrong and nobody should be a star, president or king/queen.

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:star: :star:


:stars: :stars:



:bike: is good!

You have chosen [RnG] Heal! You heal 12 hp

Enemy uses Steel smack

Hp: 88/100, Enemy Hp: 32/50
  • Attack
  • Defend
  • Heal

0 voters


Thank you, Dash. As do you.

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Just keep swimming, just keep swimming…

:swimming_man: :+1:

Hank and Dory

Are amazing

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I like my pizza with extra B A S I L

We’re In The Endgame Now

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