[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v4.1.1)


Double post?

So the team Dash/Rex breaks down

Breaks down?

Alright fine. I must confess. I like anime, but I am no weeb. But it is required to at least somewhat like anime in Dash’s Government.

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Hey Guys! Did you hear that @Myeong won February’s Forumer of the Month???

Yes I know that

Thanks, Arden.

That’s a FEH joke that no one will get…


I don’t get the joke?

@Discordney :thinking:

Disney x Discord?? :flushed:

Let me guess. Arden is a character that says things that everybody already knows?

That creeper wiped out that entire cave! :open_mouth:

Caption this

@Rino @xero

Not quite. Arden is known for being really slow, usually it’s more physically (as he’s a knight in heavy armor). People in the FEH community like to use that phrase whenever someone on the subreddit talks about something everyone already knows.

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Replying to random post

I have a horrible lag so that’s why I’m answering to post made like 15 post ago.

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