[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v4.1.1)

They need rehab from the No Anime Police.

We can help them. We are trained professionals. Cartoons are the only cure to this disease.

Good thing I donā€™t like animeā€¦

Is there a Vaccine?

Now Iā€™m confused lol.

Yes. A good comic book, or animated show, or movie can cure it. No guarantees it will not come back but it will suppress the urge and symptoms.

Is there something that can prevent people from becoming weebs?

I donā€™t think a Movie can ā€˜cureā€™ it, since its only like 1-2 hours per movie is nothing compared to a anime marathonā€¦


No anime, no manga, no Wattpad, no anime games, no otaku content of any kind.

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Just put the Weeb in a room full of little kiddie songs playing on repeat and that should (hopefully) work :grin:


I left for an hour and I couldnā€™t replie you before

Genshin Impact

Play this song. It will help.

How about ads?

No Anime does not include ads.


@Commander-Rex, explain this

I know it is hard, but trust it will help you.

:+1: :+1: :+1:

@Commander-Rex, explain immediately

Genshin is anime, but it is not a severe case of weeb disease. Think of it as a common cold.

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