[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v4.1.1)

Say the H Word XD

No! I swear, it wasn’t me! It was Lure!

@Spark Why do you keep changing your avatar???

i̸̡͝s̴̀ͅs̴̡͊ṵ̴͋e̷̱̐d̸͎̃ ̶̤̌b̵̝̑y̷̛͔: ̵̖͝m̵͉̆ĕ̸̼

I am seeing which ones I may switch to…

You wouldn’t get it.

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who are you?
my bad myeong


Time for mutation.


and Dash got infected, success!

Hehe That sounds like an creep skill


@Rpg_prince got @Covid99

Yay. I got off scott free. :fist:

@COVID @2019


Now you’re back.

600 posts? :thinking:

just look at Kim’s disappointment face

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