[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v4.1.1)

Everyone > Kokichi

Dash > Rpg Prince

Oh and yeah, he speaks fluent Spanish btw.



@Zemo :thinking:


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120 bucks for thisā€¦

A small price to pay for salvation.

I- Rex, you wouldnā€™t-

I-I what theā€¦ what is thatā€¦

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A statue. Looks high quality though.

Rex, youā€™re different-

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Thereā€™s no hope left for me.

I have already lost to animeā€¦

Quitely sets Rex to ignoreā€¦

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No, itā€™s all a joke. I still hate anime. :grin:

Rex has changedā€¦ He has to be an imposterā€¦

Rex is sus

Itā€™s Lure. He made me do this.

I agree, Rex is sus


Whaaaaa, I wouldnā€™t. Iā€™m an angel, a cinammon roll, a sweet pie.

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