Why am I the one everyone yeets…
Fires flames at gio. Giving her 8th degree burns
I understood that reference
Goodness, what is up with this epic battle and my involvement in it
chugs Invisibility potion
Senses where Dash is
Is everything a F&TWS reference now?
draws pocketknife and attempts to backstab RPG
Dash, I’m trying to put together a Marvel RP. I could see you as Zemo. Would you want to do it?
Dodges, grabs Dash’s hand, then his knife and stabs Dash
Dash rn:
[Visible Typing]
Seems great! I just hope I don’t play his character wrong.
dodges, grabs bucket and yeets it at RPG
Me as… who?
I’ll ask you in a PM what you know about him.
Melts bucket
Go Barbruh Dash Go!
Well, if we’re trying F&TWS, maybe Karli or Sharon? Depending on who Imagineer would prefer to be. I’m really hoping folks would want to do F&TWS, we could just alter it to be more PG.
yeets spicy bottles at RPG and grabs fire extinguisher
Benny’s Adventure Team, ASSEMBLE!!