[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v4.1.1)

If it weren’t for Dash, we’d need 550 replies

The trick is that the rules fan the flames of chaos



I’m still thinking :confused:



tenor (19)

So where did we leave off?

Is it just me or the gif doesn’t work lol

That’s dangerous

The creep is about to die :joy:


Almost there

Yay! Freedom!

Then do it faster… so much easy option.

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Musk, how do I tell you what the rule will be? :sweat_smile:

Well, the “mist gun Star Wars fan” also is celebrating so maybe you should appreciate him. Also, what chess piece are you referring to?

say that every post deals 100 damage

@One @Little @penguin

You call this scary?

In this thread after “creep KO” my-post. 4829

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I don’t like how close we are to defeating the creep. I want it to last forever. :disappointed:

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