time to hope Honey Pot does not switch
@Myeong and @CodeMore6 shall get their Regular Status Forcefully Removed And Jailed For Choosing The Inaccurate Answer
1 Like
But I already have a penalty for failing the Anger quiz, you cannot do this
Mayo IsâŠ
- Awesome!
- Bleh.
0 voters
Hey! Thatâs my job!
Youâre Fired!
1 Like
I was already lynched I canât be fired
Ghost Jailor
I stole your role
You canât fired me! I Quit!
You are a dead bodyguard!
I respect the French for making a delicious food. Or sauce. Or whatever mayo isâŠ
Cinco de MAYO
I accuse you of making a terrible joke
Reason it ended.
oh god
fERb, WheRE iS pERrY!!