Half full is still half empty…
Yeah that’s only how you look at it
philosophy is fun
You know what is also fun… powerpoint nights. One of my classes is going to have one and I am doing teachers at my school as Disney characters
Something fishy is going around you two now…
Hmm… this requires good glasses.
Hmm interesting. Just making a PowerPoint?
And presenting it. It can be about anything, so that is why my topic is what it is. It will be hilarious.
Disney characters…?
What do you mean with this? We are just talking positivity
My teachers as Disney characters
Ooo… that sounds interesting.
Hi Dash! Seems like you got that Discord nitto in your pocket!
Yeah. Like the vibe they give off. Like this one English teacher I had who is kind of Ms. Darbus from HSM.
Anything could happen
Waiting for another double post.
Musk, do you know what this is?
Is she talking about theatre much?
Nice dog.
Are you okay Dash?