[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v5.1) (Part 1)

That’s the blue/black very strong pokemon right?

Yeah, basically

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Indeed, right now it’s 6:30 PM

We should all create alter egos. Sorry I am just trying to defeat the creep and do not know where everyone went.

I love dogs!

DHBM is very balanced.

Alter egos, you say? Perfect opportunity to bring out my perfect roleplay I did yesterday. :smiling_imp:

Those ads are stupid

Yes. I am going to make a thread today for it if I have the energy motivation and time.

Interesting. It’s a neat idea. We all have other sidea to us we may not always like to bring out. :smiling_imp:

Rex alter ego is Anime fan~.

You misspelled “God of Mischief” there, Lure. :upside_down_face:

Where was this :eyes:

Ok, Rex Alter Ego is FEH Loki.

Yesterday, I was pretending to be a Shakespearean villain/King/God totally not loki and I was using very nice vocabulary. :yum:

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emphasized text

No, that’s lame Loki. How dare they invoke his amazing name in such a repugnant character like that. Tom Hiddleston deserves better. :angry:

FEH Loki is based on y’know, the real Loki and not Marvel Loki. So-So Tom Hiddleston doesn’t have anything to do with that lol.


Yeah, but Norse Loki still is cool. Much more evil than how we usually know Loki, but also, somewhat more mischievous. That one is just :face_vomiting:

And yes, Tom Hiddleston does have to do with that. My boi is Loki. You don’t know Marvel. :triumph:

U could find some way to mix the 2 :man_shrugging:

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