[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v5.1) (Part 1)

It’s not him

Yes cuz I’m never active lol.

Was the kind of competition the same as it is here?

Sort of…

Not really, basically you’d have to wait for a bot to post something, and then be the quickest to post after.

I tried a lil but people literally stalked that channel to be as quick as possible (the bot posted at specific times) - and I seem once someone posted even right before the bot


That reminds me of Karuta Bot, where people does the same for a card lol.

A spoiler for my next emoji:
Lives on the sand, but hates it.
(It’s a crossover)

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Is it shiny?

Tamatoa hasn’t always been this glam

He was a drab little crab once.


What’s the matter Dash?

Dash is sad

I keep getting 5 stars :sob:

5 stars? On a scale of?

FEH heroes :sob:

I’m back! Did I miss much?


That’s a BAD thing???

YES :sob:

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