[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v5.1) (Part 1)


If you read this, Dash will be nerfed in the next update

YES and I will help.

Transforms into Imagineer the Mighty

Ok. I am ready.

  • :cake: Slice of Cake
  • You found it!
  • Quickly! Post before others to receive 1 point.

0 voters

4 people vs a Creep that has i don’t know how much HP.

900 HP :thinking:



She’s learning :smiling_imp:

That’s a lot. I think we can leave it a 500 HP or something like and let the :eu: nation defeat it~.

Or i don’t know lol

I cannot be nerfed because I do not have much power anyway!

Coffee > Tea

Like how Kim, one of the worst characters in the game, got some nerfs.

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we cannot let the Europeans steal our fun! :angry:

I do not even play the game! This is unfair.

This genuinely creeped me out.

Dash is evil. We must nerf him at all costs!


Dash is anti-European :cold_sweat:

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Btw Dash, how are you doing after those summaries of Marvel movies?

I say we use all the emojis and spam them to create enough posts to defeat the creep

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pretty good. Me and Rex gotta continue the live summary we were doing yesterday :eyes:

I forgot healing over time and damage over time exists :sweat:

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