I think BTS gets unjust hate because of its fangirls. It’s just a typical boy band, nothing special. ( I don’t hear tha music.)
woah woah woah… chill
If you got the reference, you get brownie points~.
backstabs Rex
or boys. They really are annoying though.
So much Pokemon lately. Too much weebiness.
All you needed was the clue.
Stompier is the same letters as imposter just scrambled about, and your job was to find the imposter. Not who the imposter is
Did anyone think that was well thought out?
Rex is like that to me for no reason whatsoever lol.
Pokemon is really good though,even if it isint the best trading card game
So much Loki lately. Too much simping I mean too much geekiness.
I have reason for it. You constantly threaten me, a God. A rightful King of Asgard. You deserve to be punished for your insolence.
What do ya’ll think?
Open the door to strangers
Too much simping
You seem like an impostor with this crossing out, are you an impostor?
So much Loki lately.
How dare you even suggest such thing exists? There is no “So much” of me. I’m incredible.