[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v5.1) (Part 1)

I did say before :woozy_face:

Don’t worry, you won’t doing again so that’s good.

We are Wanda, but I do quite like you as Nebula.

Get it. We are Groot. We are Wanda.

Should we leave a little fun to the Europeans?

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Anyone want to play truth or dare to finish of the round?

Well, everyone seems to think I’m decent. How could I improve on it though? I want to make Tom proud of the RP, he’s my hero. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Sure why not.

Or i can just be black widow. I could of just done that cuz I love her XD

No :face_vomiting:

Imagineer, truth or dare?

OOOOO umm truth.

kill creep asap


Ahh yes. Wonder womans rope makes you tell the truth.

do you praise the cheeto god

No cause I hate cheetos.

[Sends the Destroyer to destroy the creep.]

90 replies in 20 minutes…


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Ok who’s turn is it next? Anyone else playing other then me and imagineer?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Yeah, I’ll go. Why not? I am quite interesting. :smiling_imp:

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