[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v5.1) (Part 1)

I am not the lawyer yet, but I am seeing how this system of justice is not actually fair.

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…she needs a certificate

Who is “she?”

They refer to me.

you are punishment

What did David do?

grammar and misspelling

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Horrible! How could he?


I spoke.


even hope agrees!

I have come to the conclusion that Djaq cannot be judge jury and executioner and this trial is being held on random terms that are not really true crimes from both sides.

Oh. hehe…sorry for ignoring you…:sweat_smile:


Happy Birthday…

To… tomorrow!


That is… cold. That hurts.

:sob: :sob:

la la la la la

e e e e e

You really do not have a reason to cry… because it is not your birthday.

o o o o I

Imagine having a birthday today lol
(Don’t hurt me)

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