Garfield meets ghosts. … or some sort.
Fake Garfield meets Ghost?
Seems kinda strange
It may be a fake garfield, but when you look in the corner, the comic strip was made by Jim Davis
Fake Garfield is fake.
My favourite… chaos.
Good Morning.
Also, Musk, why does there have to be a creep on the weekend?
because it’s not saturday
Besides, Musk you could’ve waited till a week after the last creep was destroyed or this topic will close within a few weeks…
This will probably just happen…
Again and again and AGAIN…
ahaha… a ga in.
Ain… aim.
All of this for May… near time. More or less.
But less.
You got it.
It’s pretty easy to get…
4 days break
2 creeps in 4 days
4 days break
I am alive!
But not so far from Mars… but oh… why? Marssssss
But can you not spawn them on the weekend please?
Well, as it’s matter… they will be spawn in weekend, next week just one… ooooo
But not next month.
Why would it matter what day the creeps come actually?
It goes down eventually anyway, and if you don’t want to join, you could join on Monday again.
get back here!