[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v6.1)

You are too young (and “Little”) to know how good coffee is

Or fix your sleep schedule

Yeah it’s super bitter sometimes

I sleep fine, and I don’t need coffee to be active and alert the whole day :upside_down_face:

You don’t have good taste :pouting_cat:

You’re Welcome!

… What power-up did you use? :sweat_smile:

I take it because I want to have something warm and because I like it

Sister No Come

Leave them, they are too “Little” to know the good of coffee

Invalid Powerup, please try again

Should I use another power up?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

I dont think so

Surprised that Myeong voted no :thinking:

I was going to vote yes because Yes but I vote no


Finally got my newest costume :grin:


Hello there.

Lure admits that Atua is non-existent:

1 Like

Bye there.

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