[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v6.1)

Ah I never played Kingdom Hearts

i knew it :open_mouth:

I Iost them

your mum deleted them? gasp

Tell Atua to tell me the truth then~.


And LGDB has his phrase of Name, he is already SIMPing him so I see no reason to SIMP Darkwing



Atua: It is indeed true

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I see I see.

@Atua has not Owned so… who wants be the first Atua?

@Atua fortune

Is something wrong?


it’s the existence of lure and rex

Atua doesn’t exist~.


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@MissingLure @Commander-Rex :eyes:

@Atua Fortune

Give me a signal that you’re exist :d


i’m gonna sleep byeeee

But its only 11AM here!

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