[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v6.1)

Oh hey, a new creep.

No, you are a Nonsense NotDash

where is my 50th nice topic

howā€™d my art collection get more likes than my concepts in a less amount of time


Iā€™m going to confiscate the mayonnaise and the french fries :angry:


Noob concept need one more like so you have your 50th nice topic
Edit: Forgot it, David has give you a like

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good, because here in the us we eat french fries with ketchup, not mayo

Yes. The Europeans are disgusting.

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youā€™re youā€¦ :earth_americas:

disgustingā€¦ ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

nice to know

Europeans are better than Most of the Latin America countries

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Yes, but weā€™re far better

Helping to NotDash to defeat the creep because heā€™s force me

A ver, yo no puedo hacer todo asi que necesito que alguien me ayude, solo digo


Finally someone who help
but i have to bought, so goodbye for 10 or 20 minutes :d




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