Lure, you are eliminated by the cats of this and another planet.
I thought it only went up to 4K
Is the forums of spam, no one’s would come back after defeat the creep :d
They are still baaad~
I will probably be retiring next season
My computer has a resolution of 1080 (Perhaps)
Never mind then
My computer has a resolution of 1080 (Perhaps)
Phone resolution is different from computer resolution
I will probably be retiring next season
Oh no, the King of spammer. The joke here is that you stay here making nonsense
Phone resolution is different from computer resolution
Yoquese, I’m not a expert, I Just say/write nonsense
get gud and take computer classes then
Oh, R.I.P then~
MissingLure:Why? Why Why
I Hope that teacher don’t catch you making jokes in 1080 4K
I am quiet kid
Dash is quiet :o.