[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v6.1)

The problem is not the Physical (maybe a little but is not the problem) The problem is the theoretical

Iā€™m feeling bored

Same for meā€¦

Well I think listen music or see what you can do, that could help to combat to the bored

When this topic is gonna reach the 10.000th post?

Fighting ā€œthe boredā€ :woozy_face:

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Never until NotDash starts to do his work


Someday, I hopeā€¦

Sorry, Iā€™m trying to write in english without use the translator xD

Excuse Me?!?! You want me to help with the cipher in RDT and post here?!!!

Canā€™t wait to start the (2nd) longest elimination in the forum soon

Oh right, my bad


Why an emoji of cat if youā€™re a dog? NotDash

:monkey: .

Thereā€™s not much dog emojis compared to cat emojis

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biased :frowning:

Whoever made the emojis is a cat person

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