[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v6.1)

T i k y


Delete that :black_flag:

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Dash is never not sus though

***emphasized text***



w o w

I want to try that

I can’t buy potatoes chips because I don’t have money :d

That’s a Lie-


:smirk: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :hot_face:

:gun: :flushed:


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The three phases of NotDash

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Sussy Baka Sussy Baka Sussy Baka Sussy Baka Sussy Baka Sussy Baka Sussy Baka Sussy Baka Sussy Baka Sussy Baka Sussy Baka Sussy Baka Sussy Baka Sussy Baka Sussy Baka Sussy Baka Sussy Baka Sussy Baka Sussy Baka Sussy Baka

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:imp: :hocho:

W h e r e

TheCannonCart was killed by the impostor.


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@Imposter @Impostor

Don’t tell me, I didn’t know

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