[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v6.1)

The LATAM edition of Up

My luck is back to the enemy that attempted to disable or debuff him to Million Power by the bodyguard of the first heroes that were released in the Beta version of DHBM once again been cut off and on the battlefield to make the enemies suffer from the fact that I tend to be the person with the most stacks of the first heroes that were released in the Beta version of DHBM



2022 is coming :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

I- Okay?

Joking guy



Who’s Candice?


Just realized that it’s spelled differently, but eh


Ayo the game launch trailer for DH:BM got marked as made for kids. Is a game for everyone, not only for kids

This video is also marked for kids :woozy_face:







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