[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v6.1)

Y lo peor es que nadie se dio cuenta de ese detalle

I’m supposed to fly like a bee
I play dhbm on English language because there are many bad Spanish translations, like the contests descriptions ones

Oh no a giant :b:

There’s a person in my server who talks in Spanish and when they would talk about arena, the word “arena” would translate to “sand”
It was weird

The translation can sometimes be the worst

Well, Arena literally means Sand.

I think Arena of fighting is called Arena in spanish, but is rarely used, Colosseum fits that description better.

So in conclusion
Throws Sand at CannonCart


This conclusion does not summarize your thoughts :angry:

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Remember when PB gave us swedish chef chips for that contest of mother’s day? Well in Spanish it said: campeona del brunch del día de la madre.

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I remember when the game translate “Miss” like “Señorita” instead of “Fallo” (I don’t remember how they translate now)


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The same happens in the events screen, every male character have a la. For example: La Drakken, la Fozzie, La Russell, etc.

Su ataque ha Señorita.

Eso pasaba cuando lanzaban un proyectil y no impactaba a nadie

Or some effects are translate bad giving something of confusion (I already talked about it before but they didn’t listen to me)

They only care about English language

Obviously, but it’s annoying anyway (Watch the filter in Spanish on wakkatu XD)

Deals damage

Voy a llorar sangre si sigo viendo esa traduccion

A ver, time to check the translation.

Mira los filtros en wakkatu

Slaps Lure

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