[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v6.1)




I Googled the word Nopuedeser.

Iā€™m sure he meant as a jab or pinch :sweat_smile:

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@BlackBOY, replace that word with slap


Me what?

:ocean: :passenger_ship:

Well I sent the replie for the Identity Crisis and Iā€™m nervous XD

:ship: :passenger_ship: :ship: :passenger_ship:
Ship spam

The topic was revived frequently in the past if thatā€™s what your worried about

Why am I nervous?? :d

okay, bye peeps


Well, See you tomorrow NotDash

No, itā€™s not that

do this:


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Oh cool, new emoji shortcut

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do this

Throws EspaƱol at CartCannon

Yo no gusto Espanol mucho :frowning_face:

itā€™s boring

Throwing EspaƱol to that Cannon?

169 (funny number) replies when I was taking a nap :sleeping:

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Y e s
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