[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v6.1)

is there really an afternoon

is there really an evening

is there really a midnight

I want 18:25 :angry:

So excitedā€¦ it will be super.

I must go back to bed, but I cant :tired_face:

Nope xD


Dealing damage

So much fun in 3h!!!

I initially misinterpreted that as ā€œ3 Housesā€ before I realized you probably meant ā€œ3 hoursā€. :woozy_face:

3 hours and just 4 replies

okay Mr. ā€œIā€™m not a FE Geekā€.

I said I wasnā€™t as much of one as some other people Iā€™ve seen online are. I never said I wasnā€™t an FE geek, period. :woozy_face:

okayā€¦ :face_with_monocle:

Still dealing damage

So much cool thingsā€¦ so closeā€¦ ahhh!

10 minutes and 6 replies

Yay!! New people!!

What are Musk talking about?

The End

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