it doesn’t matter
oh, i forgot to tell you
this entire universe is the state of denial
it doesn’t matter
oh, i forgot to tell you
this entire universe is the state of denial
Sooo there are no borders?
nope we all live in the state of denial
how interesting
So my address would be 123 Anti Sand Street, USA, USA, State of Denial?
Ah yes, the United STATES of America is a STATE of STATE of Denial
"correct :D"
takes rocketship to avoid living in the state of denial
builds colony in mars
Mars is now part of the state of denial
Big brain- oh wait
if you put any character after ) or D or etc when making a face it doesn’t turn into an emoji
builds colony in mars anyways because its cool
Marvin the Martian executed CodeMore6
less than 350 replies left!!!
Marvin! Bad! Unexecute me NOW!
how realistic
“Oh dear, I don’t have an undo button.”
sucks hades’s revive out of him to revive
goes back to earth and builds an isolated colony
kills code, not once, not twice, but three more times