[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v8.0) (Part 1)

Politics iswhy

He was the president of US. It’s illegal to do that.


pressing f12 turns it on, on my computer

its very close to some keys, eg backspace

The president was Donald Trump, not Sandy Trump

If you have a house with walls your a spoiled rich kid :sweat_smile::frowning::grin::grin::frowning::grin::frowning::grin::sob::frowning::worried::unamused:

that was donald trump

In theory, everyone’s house has to have walls

Musical movies deserve jail time :roll_eyes:


Besides Hamilton, yes

Plays or broadway is fine, it’s fun but why in movies in your own home…

Meaningful scene but then :notes: I am a stupid movie character and I am singing ruining the now stupid movie :notes:

It causes loss of brain cells and activity :confused:

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lovely speaks fax


@Filadae_Djaq @Filadae_Djaq

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Fax machines dont like lie detectors


I agree tbh

Encantooo :heart_eyes:


@TotallyNotDash, go prove they misquoted and throw some sand at them


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