[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v8.0) (Part 1)

Calm down, Lady Tremaine.


She is only the queen of hearts
Not the queen of whatever we are talking about

You have no authority over me :angry:


go cleanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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don’t lady termaine me >:(

i am lord djaq

cannon is my servant

who’s my servant then

cute cats and more

why pb didn’t add any caT heroes??

myeong will be your servant

Runs away from the property
I can’t live under your abusive ways :frowning:

shoots cannon’s leg

bad servant

you will now work in the fields


Do I get free health insurance with my “job”?

Limps back into the house

No :smiley:

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Then how do I care for the massive gaping bullet hole on my leg?

walk it off :unamused:

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s0o much funnn

or put ice on it


that won’t work at all

Eating pancakes is not fun

I don’t get health benefits from my enslavement, so the lord fox nerd has no obligation to do so

you not fun

sandman is comingggg

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Please don’t make the next creep sandman :pleading_face:

al ready hrerreeheree hikk

Isint that like King Kong or something?

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