[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v8.0) (Part 1)

@MissingLure, I will protect you from the fox for a price:

you let yourself get eaten :slight_smile:

Heā€™s already been eaten

Contract ended


Too Late mate I already let myself get eaten JAJAJA

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I donā€™t like fish :unamused:


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This thread is something else :relaxed:

so are you now going to buy the gift card?

give us your money or you will never get @Mystery_Account back

It isnā€™t your responsibility to make Musk act nice lol.
Simply let him be without it letting it disturb you.

everything please


can we eat the cat :slight_smile: :open_hands:

I have many other of nicknamesā€¦ :yawning_face:

I donā€™t need musk.

There must be a conflict every weekā€¦. Itā€™s for the good of the countryā€¦.


maybe not

but heā€™s being toxic to everyone

best to change than to be overthrown

itā€™s natural law

You will change earth.

i accidentally drank the fish juice, what happens now :frowning:

i choose lovely to be our new leader

you are toxic.

make it go away because I said it.

rules work like that because you said itā€¦

and there issssssssssss

silly memories, just because anime isnā€™t allowed, sad how some people can get mad aboutā€¦ little things.


If we overthrow him, it only makes things worse

So he must change, but he doesnā€™t want to

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