[Fun and Games!] Forum Heroes! (v9.2)

Huh, what does that mean?

This means I can equip two new passives, more gold and more exp!

I don’t know but it’s level 18

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In what game exactly?

Maybe Raid Shadow Legends


Burger King :yum:

Oh no

There are too much ads for that game



Is that even a game?

Game’s feature, there’s normal level up to 99 and champion level up to 80.

So that means you still have a lot of fun ahead of you :thinking:

Then you are going to our Sponsor

Kick Lucas The forumer (Not the Fish one) at the Sponsor Ad

Yes… my level is 89(+18).

One more normal level and I will able to do act 5.2 daily tasks.

Is there a fish one?

And I clicked the add away


It was nasty, so I had to click it away

There is fishing feature as well, you can get fishes and rarely chests!

Is it possible to fish for chests? Aren’t those too heavy?

I will try to deal more damage

“You will try”

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